LZ House


LZ House is a townhouse for weekend getaways located in a rural settlement surrounded by expansive vineyards with vast horizon views. The design draws inspiration from the local architecture and the landscape pale tones.

The project brief aimed to revitalize a neglected two-storey house resulting from the fusion of two separate properties highly compartmentalized and inefficient for modern living standards. To create a blank canvas suitable for a contemporary lifestyle, an initial intervention focused on removing all redundant partitions and reinforcing the existing load-bearing walls perpendicular to the facade and rebuilding the pitch roof where the original terracota tiles have been reused.

The new layout differentiates the ground floor as the day zone and the first floor as the night zone, connected by a double-height space housing a staircase and services core.

The ground floor is envisioned as a fluid space, comprising interconnected open areas that encourages social interaction and generates diagonal views, maximizing the spatial experience. The living area, understood as the heart of the house, features a traditional vaulted ceiling and a central double-sided fireplace that unifies the living and dining spaces.

Additional strategic openings have been carefully introduced onto the north facing façade to admit as much natural light as possible.

The material palette has been deliberately kept minimal, drawing inspiration from the tonalities of the surrounding landscape, resulting in a timeless and inviting ambiance. The project places particular emphasis on local materials and vernacular construction techniques, complemented by a thoughtful selection of furniture pieces.



Area: 141 m2

Visualisations by Gest Visual